Barbet Bay´s Mating Announcement
We are so very happy to announce our mating plans for Spring 2019 between

ChPL, JChPL MONS WIERCIŁAPA, parents ILA Wierciłapa & FAZI Konstelacja
Małej Niedźwiedzicy.
HD-A, ED-00, Eyes tested CLEAR 20181015
Height 52 cm, weight 18.5 kilos
SE UCH BARBET BAY´S BELLAMIE, parents Cousteau Von Der Leibrucke & Batterikullens Goody Good.
HD-B, ED-00, Eyes tested CLEAR 20180515, EMBARKS all clear
Height 53 cm, weight 20 kilos
Inbreeding in 4 generations 0.781%
Inbreeding in 5 generations 3.22%
Top contributing ascendant: Poppenspäler´s Sangria
We have choosen Mons for his very nice character, his very nice looks and his healthy old lines. Mons comes from a well-known Polish breeding; Wiercilapa.
„He is a Polish Junior Champion and during the adult championship; Polish Champion. Mons is the irreproachable son of Ila and Bruno (Fazi). He has kept their best qualities. He is a brave and interesting dog. He loves his family and beautifully reciprocates feelings. He learns quickly and is balanced. He loves walking in the woods, tracking and running. He learned a lot from uncle Iwo Wiercilapa. Mons has a huge gift that charms with his charm and gains hearts.”//The owner of Mons Iwona Dobrucka
Bellamie is a swedish champion. She is the daughter of beautiful Cousteau and our Matisse. Bellamie is a very compassionate and affectionate dog. She loves being close to us, to be hugged and kissed. She is a very fast learner and learns tricks very easily. On walks she goes beside me all time in a happy leash just because she wants. She had her first litter summer 2017 with Fazi, a litter that we are very proud of. Bellamie was an excellent mother, took very good care of all puppies, spent every hour with them until the day they left. She really impressed on me! We kept Rose Étoile from that litter, a lovely copy of Fazi. We are now educating Étoile to become a social service dog. Étoile and Bellamie have so much fun! They really enjoy each other. It´s so nice to see them together. They can even chew on the same bone at the same time;-) That´s friendship!//