We are happy to welcome Delwy, Edelwyss von Springbell into our Kennel. Delwy is in partnership with Kennel von Springbell owned by Carmela Wyss.
Augentest: 5.1.2017 alles i.O und gesund
Embark DNA-Test: all clear no carrier of anything
54cm, HD A/A, ED 0/0 ( A history of excellent hips and elbows in her line), LS-ÜGW Typ 0,
Augentest: 5.1.2017 alles i.O und gesund
Embark DNA-Test: all clear no carrier of anything , PRCD-PRA frei/clear,
Dilution Factor: D/D
SHOW results:
Jüngstensieger / Vielversprechend 1, RCAC Vorzüglich 2/Excellent 2, RCAC Vorzüglich 2/Excellent 2, sehr gut, Vorzüglich 3